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WCP Colored Concrete Waiver

Please Read and Sign Below

By working together, we plan to deliver the best experience when ordering color concrete to your jobsite.  WCP, Inc. will ensure proper batch weights are achieved and slump arrives + or – one inch slump for optimum performance.  Contractor assumes all responsibility for finished product.  By signing this wavier you fully understand the responsibilities and requirements to have a successful color project.  WCP, Inc. assume no responsibility for the product if no defect is noted in mix weights versus design and proper slump delivery.  If we deliver product out of specification it is the customer's responsibility to reject the load and ask for a new one.  Failure to follow these guidelines will remove any liability from WCP, Inc. for the finished product.


Integrally Colored Concrete

Integrally colored concrete uses natural or synthetically manufactured iron oxide pigments. Available in powder, liquid and granular form, the smaller iron oxide pigment particles cover the larger cement particles when added to any cement-based mix to create color that is uniform throughout the concrete. Iron oxide comes in four colors: black, red, brown, and yellow. The blending together of these basic colors produces a variety of other colors. Cobalt and chromium oxide are used for blue and green pigments. Integrally colored concrete will not fade over time, but will change due to efflorescence, pollution, dirt, and traffic. Typically, a good cleaning and sealing will bring back the original color.


Water Cement Ratio is key to a successful color concrete pour

Wilsonville Concrete Products Inc. will deliver the ready-mix product as specified within water cement ratio specification.  Once the contractor takes ownership of the load of colored concrete.  The liability transfer to the contractor for performance.


Key factors to handling colored concrete?

  1. Ask for WCP to provide an QC technician to monitor job site.  This is an additional fee.

  2. Water/Cement Ratio is the most important part of consistency in color.  Maintain Water Cement Ratio consistency throughout the finished product is crucial.  Added water permanently changes concrete/typically lightening the final color.

  3. Use a surface evaporative control agent instead of water to slow the hydration of concrete in hot windy conditions, or if the concrete surface is drying out.

  4. When deciding what color to purchase use color samples not color charts.  Charts are usually glossed, and the concrete product will not match.

  5. Do not use Calcium Chloride in concrete it can cause discoloration.

  6. Different types of form work can influence surface color.  A change in or type of brand of a form release agent can also change concrete color.

  7. Eliminate trowel burning.  See NRMCA CIP 23 – Discoloration

  8. When pouring color consistency and proper finishing techniques are a must.  See ASTM, NRMCA CIP 23, 14 and Master Builders Solution Contractor Guide to Color Concrete. By signing below, I acknowledge receipt of this safety overview and that I have reviewed and accept the enclosed WCP, Inc. terms and conditions of sale.



• Order a quality concrete mix with the appropriate slump for proper placement required.

• Colored concrete should have a max w/cm ratio of .45-.50.

       • Place concrete on a well-drained, dampened sub-grade that has adequate and uniform

          load-bearing characteristics.

• Grade the sub-grade so that the concrete is of uniform thickness and properly sloped for drainage.

• Place, consolidate and screed the concrete, then float it to the specified grade, flatness, and levelness.

• Texture all surfaces adequately and uniformly for slip resistance.

• Finish all surfaces within reasonably the same time after placement.

• Finish the edges first and do all hand- finishing in the same direction.

• Protect the concrete surface from rapid evaporation of bleed water.

• Use an approved curing compound for proper curing of concrete.

• Protect the freshly placed concrete from freezing for the first 72 hours.



• Don’t use calcium chloride accelerators to achieve fast concrete set time.

• Don’t order concrete in less than 3 yd3 (2 m3) increments. Full color consistency is not guaranteed.

• Don’t place concrete on a sub-grade that is not thoroughly compacted and dampened.

• Don’t place concrete over freestanding water or muddy, frozen, or soft spots.

• Don’t add water after a portion of the load has been discharged, or retemper concrete that has started to set.

• Don’t sprinkle water, or otherwise add water to the surface during finishing operations.

• Don’t use inconsistent finishing practices.

• Don’t over-trowel (burn or burnish) the concrete surface.

• Don’t use plastic sheeting or water curing methods to cure colored concrete.

• Don’t allow items to stand on concrete during the curing process

• Don’t pour color in multiple pours.  One continuous pour is recommended.


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